As I sit here composing this, I am again stunned how quickly time has flitted by. Three years of Fates on Fire? It seems like only yesterday I launched the site and published my first article on Valentine’s Day way back in 2019. As the adage goes, what a long, strange trip it’s been. If I could have only then even begun to comprehend what an unabashedly glorious and staggeringly fulfilling endeavor this has turned out to be.

If you’ve read any of the prior Annual Reports, you’ll know that, unlike many, I’m not inclined to forcibly enroll you in a crash course in boredom by detailing all my snazzy website metrics or showcasing pimped-out spreadsheets full of ludicrous data of interest to absolutely no one, particularly me. I’d far rather reflect on this journey of writing and share what I have learned and what I appreciate the most.


This was the 2nd header in my first article. Three years later, this still makes me laugh out loud. Yes, it was certainly very clear to me that when I started Fates, it would be very, very different from the typical sites that generally focus, rightfully so, on the hard financial aspects of FI/RE. I was keenly aware that my premise of offering my post-retirement life as one example of what an early-retiree may do, think, experience, etc. was likely not going to be embraced to the extent that the more traditional sites were.

Nevertheless, I believed then (and still do) that being a “FIRE Aethernaut” aka early retirees living their post-career lives and reporting back to those still working toward their FI dreams was both extremely fascinating and immensely helpful, particularly as there were (and still are) so few doing so.

Looking back at three years of writing and sharing, I now believe in my original “Fire Aethernaut” premise significantly more than I did in February 2019. Why? Because it’s important that others have a more enriched and thorough understanding of the realities of FI. That not having to go to work each day and having financial freedom offers all manner of wonderful options to pursue a more meaningful and purpose-driven life.

Probably more important is sharing that FI is not necessarily a panacea. Things can and do go wrong – illness, unexpected financial curveballs, personal tribulations, death. I can only speak for myself, but it seems almost an obligation of sorts for post-FI folks to consistently share in a measured and balanced fashion so aspirants might have a more informed view on things.


While I wasn’t altogether sure of what the precise nature of my articles would entail beyond a general “experience & report” model, I was fairly confident that, simply based on my life and passions, a few themes would likely manifest over time. And, of course, in reviewing my articles over the past 3 years, that certainly has been the case.

Even with a cursory scroll down my Posts page, it’s evident that this is one very unusual and peculiar FI/RE site, what with a goodly deal of writing about rock music, books, barbed lampoons of consumer culture, travel, and cats! Hell, I even sometimes write about money!

I’ve enjoyed tremendously the latitude that my original approach has continued to provide, thus allowing for the diversity of topics. After 3 years of this do I still feel like the dude on bass who’s playing an entirely different song then the rest of the band? Of course, but I’ve always embraced my idiosyncratic nature. For better or worse, it’s my point of differentiation. It is why I mockingly describe myself as “The Nick Cave of the FI space.” Just out here doing my own thing, my own way and loving it.

Of course, being somewhat left of the dial or slightly non-traditional is all well and good, but there are some inherent obstacles, particularly that others might not immediately “get” what you’re doing or otherwise be glacially slow to to join the party, assuming they even want to. Which is what has literally occurred with Fates.

I did get exceptionally lucky in that the 2nd article I ever published (and among one of my most read) unexpectedly got showcased by some large players in the FI scene. And I’m still very grateful for that initial boon at the time of launch. Since then, it’s been a gradual, albeit steady, build of readers and co-conspirators. Would I have a zillion more readers if I had started “Dividend Income Dude” or “Back Door Roth Boy” instead? Assuredly, but it would have been at the expense of one of the most magical journeys of my life.

Mr. Fate: The Self-Proclaimed “Nick Cave of the FI/RE Space”


By Year 2, Fates became more established with exponentially more people getting interested and I was equally surprised and thrilled to have a couple of articles featured in 2020. However, 2021 was definitely ‘the year Fates broke,’

In terms of readership growth, external publicity and general engagement, Year 3 was the most astounding, by a large margin and eclipsed any expectations I could ever have. Without question, this was due to a number of wonderful people and sites who were kind enough to feature my articles and, shockingly, express an interest to interview me. This was not only a very pleasant surprise, but something I am deeply grateful for.

So three cheers to: Accidental Fire, All Star Money, Dr. FIREUK, My Quiet FI, Personal Finance Blogs, Physician on Fire, The Plutus Awards, & Tic Toc Life for the features and Freddy Smidlap Personal Finance, Laura Leavitt, & Real Simple Magazine for the interviews in 2021. It truly is an honor and privilege to have my ramblings showcased by such esteemed writers, sites and media.

Moreover, I owe a colossal debt of gratitude to all of you who help by sharing my articles on social media, giving a shout-out or spreading the word in any way. You rock and rock hard! Most importantly, thanks to everyone who subscribes, comments, pops by to read an article or three and even those who simply peek-in momentarily to check things out. You’re the very reason this 3-year birthday party is even happening!


As mentioned above, I don’t spend much (read: any) time spelunking about in Google Analytics analyzing my site stats. Nevertheless, I do a weekly review of the key benchmark metrics incorporated into the WordPress mobile dashboard, so I have a somewhat decent understanding how things are progressing. However, patently purloining a concept from my dude, My Quiet FI, I did want to share a couple of the highlight articles for the past year.



This recap of the first 3 years of my early retirement was, far and away, my most read article, due exclusively to the kindness of the many who featured or promoted it. Thanks again!


I really love comments. They are direct feedback and supremely appreciated. Also, it’s where the genuine dialogue happens. Oddly, it was a 4-way tie between:







Over the course of my lifetime, I’ve written quite a bit and this piece is the only one I am legitimately proud of. Outside of the embedded emotional content, it took all of my skill to directly address a topic (the dissolution of my marriage) without ever mentioning it, while imbuing the language with metaphor and a lyricism that is atypical of my non-fiction style.


This story was the most fun for a number of reasons. It was a fiction collaboration with some of my favorite and respected FI/RE writers. Known as an Exquisite Corpse from the French Surrealists, this was a blast and the quality and consistency of the narrative was wonderfully cohesive. A total blast and I can’t wait to do it again this Fall.


As we collectively blow out the candles on the birthday cake here on Valentine’s Day and celebrate, it’s only natural to speculate what the year ahead will bring. As has now become a custom in these Annual Reports, I can confirm that both the Country Squire Chronicles and Rock ‘N Roll Zero series will continue. In addition, I am happy to announce a new series entitled, “I’m Single, Let’s Mingle” wherein I share the hilarious adventures of FI dating! Stay tuned!

Last, but certainly not least, I’d love to hear your feedback of any sort. Things you enjoy, things you don’t. Why you read? What you’d like to see more of, less of? Feedback’s a gift, so give it to me, baby!

Thanks again to everyone who has read, continues to read, provides comments, shares or engages in any way with Fates on Fire. And very special thanks to my “Blog Gang,” you know who you are. Your comradery, community and friendship means far more than you know!

P.S. Happy Birthday Dad! There’s a reason Fates on Fire launched on your birthday! I love you!

10 Replies to “THE 3RD ANNUAL REPORT

  1. IF - Impersonal Finances

    Outside of children, which I don’t have, nothing marks the time quite like writing a blog. Congrats on making it three years–and with consistent quality. Quite a feat! And of course, I was honored to participate in the surrealist Halloween fun! Keep on writing…

    • Mr. Fate

      Thanks Dave and much appreciated. That’s high praise coming from you! I’m definitely going to be chugging along for another 3, particularly because I just pre-paid on the hosting 🤣. Thanks for always reading and driving by to leave a comment. It means a lot!

  2. Noel

    3 years! I for one appreciate the look ahead into the great FI beyond. I know the steady creation take discipline and effort. Enjoy very much the different series and angles you take your well researched articles. Looking forward to more great writing. Congrats!

    • Mr. Fate

      Thanks so much Noel. It’s been a blast. As you know both the writing and community are pretty amazing, so I’ll be keeping at it for sure!

  3. freddy smidlap

    didn’t you mention being a fan of a band called birthday cake? it’s been a well done 3 years, sir. i’m looking forward to what the future holds, especially the new “single series!”

    • Mr. Fate

      Hey Freddy, welcome home from the beach and thanks for the kind words! The band you’re referencing is “The Birthday Party,” Nick Cave’s original band oddly enough. Thanks for reading and supporting all my silly efforts over the years – it means a lot!

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